An Introduction

Welcome to my new blog! I titled my blog "Everlasting Recovery" for several reasons. 

Some of you know this, and some of you don’t know this...but I struggled with an eating disorder for about ten years, although it was something that was always a struggle since I was a little girl.


As I was battling anorexia I was determined to recover from this eating disorder. I wanted a recovery that was everlasting. It took years and years and years to achieve it ... but I found it! Now, I had help ... lots of help. The only way I achieved it was by God’s saving grace in my life, my relationship with Jesus Christ, my family, the treatment center I went to and a recovery program I signed up for. All those things played a part in my recovery. 


I wanted to start this blog because I have learned so much over my lifetime battle with food. Not only did I struggle with anorexia for seven years, but I struggled with bulimia for three years. So I know the two major sides of an eating disorder first hand. And with eating disorders came my struggle with anxiety and depression. 


If you are at a place where you think you can’t go another day and are at your wits end trying to overcome this fight you've been fighting for such a long time ... then let me tell you this ... I was there. I was there for many, many years. Believe me when I tell you it is possible to reach a place of everlasting recovery. But I believe there is a formula to be able to reach recovery and that is God, support and honesty.


That’s what this blog is all about. I will share my honest stories of my raw and ugly battle, I will share stories of my relationship with God, stories of how my family and my job as a musician all played a part in my battle with eating disorders. You will learn a whole lot about me and all the struggles I have gone through and struggles I have conquered and struggles that can still overwhelm me at times.


I want to be a friend to you, and let this be a safe haven where we are vulnerable, and share our struggles and our victories no matter how big or small! 


I want to encourage you by way of this blog that no matter what eating disorder, mental disorder, addiction ... anything you might struggle with, no matter what they may be ... it is POSSIBLE to get to a place of Everlasting Recovery! I am living proof of that and I believe very strongly in that. 


I just want to thank you for reading this far! I hope Everlasting Recovery encourages you and becomes a place that is uniquely inspiring and hopeful to you!

~ Natalie


  1. You never cease to amaze me!! So proud to call you a friend! I have never had an eating disorder, but we ALL struggle with something. Whether its depression, anxiety, codependency, or addiction we all need someone to be a safe place to vent, refresh, and renew. May the Lord bless you as you blaze this new path.
    D. Lanphere

    1. Thank you so very much, that means the world to me!! And you are absolutely right, and that's exactly what I pray this blog will be for anyone and everyone!! So thankful to know you!!

  2. Great insight, great determination & great outcome for you. Hard for many of us to relate, but somehow you draw in outsiders of this terrible disorder. I pray you will continue to move forward, even if you encounter minor setbacks along the way, just remember how far you've come with this. Love & God bless....Simon UK

    1. Well, this means a lot to me, thank you so much for your encouragement and kind words, that truly encouraged me!! Thank you so very much, I pray God uses this to touch many people!!

  3. Look forward to reading more of the continuing overcoming of this disorder. Even though I personally know very little of anorexia I know much of Christ's saving Grace redeeming the most despicable lowlife, no good man like me. Keep it up!

    1. Awww, thank you so much! And amen to what you said!! I am so thankful for God's grace and love for us! God bless you!!


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